I was wondering if there is a written or unwritten policy on acknowledging a coach when questioned? I understand that every comment does not warrant response but as coach find it very disrespectful when a referee does not acknowledge the coaches when properly addressed. I coach soccer and always address the head/center referee as sir or maam. in short I recently coached a game in a tournamet that the referee went the entire game ignoring any question from the sideline. We won the game 4-1, so this isn't necessarily sour grapes. I thought he(in this case) had lost control of the game. The other team had taken exception to us scoring our 4th goal(tournament scoring allows points for goal differential up to 3)and was taking cheap shots and exhibiting dangerous play. This lack of communication between coach and official happened several times this weason but I didn't think anything of it until recently when Larry Brown (Detroit Pistons) complained of similar circumstances. I realize I am not a Hall of Fame coach but I do believe communication is key ( I'm still waiting on J.K.'s 6th volume by the way.