This is what works for me. But not always......
1. Generally they want to be listened to. If they say, for example, could you watch the handchecking simply say I'll watch for it or something like that.
2. If they want a call on ball and your primary is off ball simply tell them you were "off ball" and didn't see what happened but I'm sure my partner got it right.
3. If they question a call ask them what they saw. I then will tell them what I saw and we play on.
4. If I'm the trail and the Coach is talking to me about a call that he disagrees with (while the ball is live) I'll say Coach I can't talk now but when I get a chance I'll talk to you about it. I do find a way to talk briefly about the issue some time during the game.
5. If my partner is having a problem with the Coach I'll try to be tableside whenever possible. Good cop bad cop really works. Today I Teed the Coach and I managed to stay opposite the table for about 3 minutes of playing time and my partner made sure he kept his "seat belt buckled". When I did end up back tableside I had no further trouble with him.