If you had a violation before the foul (which it sounds like you did) then it should of been a violation. Sounds like a situation I had last Saturday. 3-whistle crew, I was T, very good defense in the backcourt. Whistle from the L, whistle from me. He's got a TO, I've got 10 seconds. We get together instantly, talk very quickly, he obviously was a half second before me. He grants the TO. After it was said and done the coach who was on defense says "Of course I don't like the call, but it was the correct call." What I'm not understanding is why you are allowing him to control your calls on the floor. It sounds like it's a 1 man crew and you need him to sign a permission slip for each of your calls. You are a team out there and you have to trust each other. The T you gave is probably deserving if he came onto the floor and was using profanity.