Originally posted by BamaRef
As I have worked with different partners, I've seen a growing trend. More and more officials are going to the head coach and saying, "If you have any questions, concerns, want to discuss anything, etc... my name is ____ and I will be willing to listen and talk with you." My last partner did this and at one point during the game, he spent a full minute talking with a coach while the players and myself waited at the free throw line to shoot the back end of a one and one. The discussion had nothing to do with the play that put the player on the line, he wanted to discuss something that happened a few minutes earlier.
During the captian/coaches meeting, I introduce myself and if I'm the R introduce my partner. I then go one with the meeting. Never do I say I will talk, listen, or whatever. I've had no problems with coaches this season. In fact,
I'm surprised by what little they have to say. I know I don't please them all the time. I'm not the best official out there, though I try to be.
I want to know what you do and how it works for you.
I don't mind if a coach asks questions or for a clarification during a natural break in play or while I am in front of him during play, but it should not delay the game nor take away my focus from the play.
In your case, your partner is being a fool and delaying the administration of the game. If the coach needs that much of an explanation, he should be charged with a time-out and then can use that time to discuss it.