Originally posted by BktBallRef
Many people don't realize it but it's a violation to cause the ball to go OOB. So, if B1 deflects A1 inbound pass and causes it to go OOB, this is a violation. But, what if the ball is deflected OOB on the sideline, as opposed to the endline? Is this type of violation excluded?
If A1 inbounds and the ball deflects off B1 OOB, the throw-in ended when it touched B1 by rule, so the deflection OOB comes after the throw-in ends. This means there would be a spot throw-in. However, the act of kicking the ball is it's own violation, and the NF position is that the kicking violation occurs simultaneously with the throw-in ending and therefore is considered a violation that occurs during the throw-in. Sort of like the tie going to the runner. Therefore, the inbounding team would retain the right to run on a kicked ball.