First time back for a while ~ hope you haven't discussed this already. If so, my apologies.
A1 injured (on the floor) and B1 with blood on uniform (enough to sit him down). Late in a tight game.
Coach A is beckoned to the floor and B1 is sent to the bench for the blood.
After a reasonable amount of time on the floor, coach A says "I want a full T/O, I think I can get him ready."
During the down time with Coach A on the floor, Coach B has B1 ready to go.
By rule B must take a T/O as well, for B1 to return. You inform Coach B of this and he says "OK, give me a 30."
For both players to return, can team A take a full T/O and team B take a 30?
if so, How do you time it?
and, When do the teams need to return to the floor?
I'll give you all a chance to answer, then tell you what our state interpreter told us.
There's only one thing that makes the adrenalin run as high
as a packed house and a good ball game ~ Big Mule Deer!