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Old Wed Dec 22, 2004, 07:37pm
Forksref Forksref is offline
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Originally posted by johnnyrao
Boys V Game tonight between 2 pretty good teams. Anyway, I am C and A1 drives down the lane to the hoop. B brushes him at the foul line but I let it go since A has an easy lay-up (which he makes). At next dead ball coach of A asks (actually quite nicely) why I didn't call a block on B. I said because his player had a clear lay-up and if I called it it would have been on the floor and no points. He didn't buy it and said I should have called it anyway (not sure why since he got 2 points).

My question is should I have answered like this? I mean, should I have aknowledged that I saw the foul but chose to play the advantage or just say "coach, I didn't see it like that" and continue on?
Last week I had a coach say, "Why didn't you call a travel?" I said, "Because I didn't see a travel." Was that sufficient?
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