Wed Dec 22, 2004, 02:55pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 2,674
Originally posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by zebraman
I'd like to eliminate coaches being able to request time-outs. I hate turning my back to the play and sometimes I have to in order to acknowledge a coach time-out.
Here's the winner. Make the players do it so we don't have to divert our attention from the play.
Other than that, I would also vote for T's going to the POI.
Mark, what's the value of the try ending when touched by another player? So if it's partially blocked, you don't have to worry about GT?
Long ago in a galaxy far away, when a field goal attempt was touched by our touched another player the attempt was over. Since I am supposed to be getting clothes was and packed for the family trip (we are supposed to leave by car tomorrow morning) to Florida to visit my mother and sister I am not supposed to be fooling around online but I-75, from north of the OHIO-michigan border to well south of the Ohio River, is supposed to get about 12" of snow between now and mid-day tomorrow, so you can see why I really do not have my heart into getting ready for the trip. BUT, when if ever we get to Florida and back, I will elaborate more on this proposed rule change. I will probably write it out in long hand (what a concept) in the car on the way down.
Anyway, have a Happy Holidays!
MTD, Sr.
132 words to tell you why he could not answer, just think how long the answer must be!