After reading the "Whats wrong with you guys" post I got feeling a little "squirrely" and decided to exhibit some of the same physical qualities as our furry friend.
First, this forum fits the description of a moderated newsgroup. If any post contains objectionable material it should be the moderators' job to censor such posts.
The last time I checked, my computer has Norton Internet Security with "Parental Controls" set at the highest level and it has never blocked a page from this web site.
Next, this is the Internet. And the Internet is coverd by the First Amendment, (freedom of speech etc.)
Further, this site is a meaning that the costs associated with operating must come from sponsors through links to their business enterprises. The point here is that the more "hits" the site has the more sponsors will want to get on board and an occasional "flame war" between members increases the "hits".
None of us pay dues or a fee to use this site.
Normally I don't jump in on ongoing discussions, opting to post my basketball related question and wait for the replies. This has been helpful to my development as an official and has offered me a great deal of enjoyment reading the variety of posts whether basketball related or not. I am grateful to the members who have responed to my posts, and hopefully someday when I hit the century mark, I too can earn the prestigious title of "SENIOR MEMBER".
So, my answer to "What's wrong with this site?" is:
"I got nuthin"