Originally posted by BktBallRef
Many people don't realize it but it's a violation to cause the ball to go OOB. So, if B1 deflects A1 inbound pass and causes it to go OOB, this is a violation. But, what if the ball is deflected OOB on the sideline, as opposed to the endline? Is this type of violation excluded?
Tony, does the new rule include OOB as well as kicking
violation? I guess maybe it's better to ask does the new
wording *exclude* OOB as a violation in this case
(apparently it does not). It doesn't make sense to me
that the defender should be penalized for legally knocking
away the inbounds pass. Hopefully there will be a case
play included for clarification.
BTW, has anyone ever actually seen B foul in order to
put the inbounder A on the spot instead of having the line
late in a game? Usually both coaches are surprised when
this happens.