Originally posted by badbamaump
Rut, when did this happen...all you've ever done is brag about your Varsity schedule....you sure have kept this a secret until today!!! A braggart like yourself would never have kept this quiet. So what conference are you working?? Let us know...this would be easy to check bud.
PS. A Legion Game down here is better baseball than a lot of college....
Did not have to move up, I have always been there. And brag about what, baseball?? Baseball?? Are we talking about baseball? All you have to do is get asked. It is not like BASEBALL is such a sport that individuals are jumping over each other to be apart of. And if you had to ask me about what conference, then you really do not know much about college baseball at all.
PS. While you are out in the hot sun during the summer getting paid peanuts and doing a Legion game all by yourself, not know when you are going to leave, I am inside calling another game that you do not have to be fat officiate. As a matter of fact, if you are fat, you are most likely not going to be asked to do it. Sorry, is that bragging?