Knock on wood I've never came close to having a game break out into a brawl. If I was doing adult rec. ball I'm out of there. If I'm doing high school shame on me for not (as Barney says) nipping it in the bud. [/B][/QUOTE]
I am sure that you are not judging any of us in here as to how we handle games. If you are, then you must blabme the officials for Ron Artest, et al going into the stands and beating on fans. I guess the officials didn't "nip it in the bud." Shame on us if we can't control the emotions of players who "flip out" during games. And shame on us if we try to do preventive officiating with coaches and players. [/B][/QUOTE]
Stop yourself right there. Now you're talking about apples and oranges. Professional vs. Amateur. A man (Artest) who has emotional problems and is on meds. No comparison. Don't know you have never seen you work. All I was referring to is we as officials through game management (which includes dealing with coaches and players) can prevent things from escalating. You're example of stopping a game was taken from football. Maybe you do things different in football. Since I don't do football I can't comment. My point is I've never stopped a basketball game to get captains and coaches together nor have I heard of a game being stopped to have such a discussion. You're right I can't control emotions but I can kick them out of the game before things get out of hand. And that I will do without hesitation.