Let me add a fundamental
Officiating is salesmanship.
Okay, that is probably not enough. Let me explain. One coach is going to like the results of your call; one is not. One group of fans will agree with your call; one group will not. blah blah blah... obvious.
The true test of your mettle is can you make the call and convince people that you made the right call just by your style and delivery?
This starts with YOU BEING CONVINCED THAT YOU MADE THE CORRECT CALL. You cannot convince anyone else until you, yourself are convinced. And right now you are not convinced; you are looking to everyone else for consent that you made a good call. And that's just not going to happen. Oh occasionally, your partner, a coach, or someone will say "good call." But it just isn't going to happen with every call. You cannot look for everyone else to convince you that you are doing a good job. You must have the CONFIDENCE in your calls to convince others.
The great official has everyone convinced when they walk onto the court - before a single call is made... the worthy veteran with years of service. This is the person you want for a mentor because he will build your self confidence.
It will take awhile Chris, so stick with it. Put in the time and the reward will follow.