You're possibly both right on this one - though I tend to agree much more with your position that both offense and defense are responsible for knowing count & outs & all regardless of any wrong info the umpire gives. In ASA ball, Casebook Play 10.6-4 reads:
"(FP only) Runner R3 on 2B, batter has 1-ball,1-strike count, with 2 outs. The plate umpire calls the next pitch a strike, pumping the thrid strike. R3 steps off the base and is tagged out by a defensive player. Even though the umpire was in error with the third strike(should have been only second strike), both R3 and coaches should be aware of the count and outs.
If the umpires think that the signal placed the runner in jeopardy, then the result should be reversed. (10-6-C)"
So, in your example, I have strike 3 & an out. PU's error didn't change anything. In the book's example, fix that, umpire's error caused the runner to step off the base.
For another example, I was uic at a state championship and got called into this one. Team A wanted to re-enter a starter in a different batting position. Umpire allowed it - call it a brain fart or something - later on, Team B points out illegal re-entry. Team A's response was that PU allowed it to take place. Team A ended up being unhappy with the decision that they were responsible for their lineup. While preventative umpiring would have prevented their problem, it was still their problem.
Steve M