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Old Sun Dec 19, 2004, 10:32pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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It's called a small market. The finances simply aren't there to keep their talent. This is truly sad for baseball from a competitive standpoint. Half of the teams out there don't even have a chance.

If Oakland could have kept their quality guys for the past few years, it is likely that they would have won a World Series. They certainly pushed the Yankees and Red Sox to the brink a couple of times.

Some players they have lost recently in addition to Mulder and Hudson: Mark McGwire, Jermaine Dye, both Giambi brothers, Tejada, and Johnny Damon.

Such a shame. I really enjoyed going over to Oakland to see those games. Remember when they won 20 in a row?

I have much more respect for the teams that do more with less, than those who can spend freely to aquire whomever they wish.
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