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Old Sun Dec 19, 2004, 10:40am
ChuckElias ChuckElias is offline
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Re: coach takes a charge

Originally posted by Hotlink501
how can you say that you would hold your whistle until the lay up is finished and then blow it.
Hotlink, there is a casebook play on each type of situation (one case that discusses an injury, and one that discusses a technical foul). In the case of a T on the defensive coach, the interpretation is that you wait to call the T b/c you don't want to take the advantage away from the driving offense. So. . .

A1 attacking the basket.

Coach B makes inappropriate comment.

Official allows A1 to complete his play (completing a play means releasing a try or withholding the ball from play).

Official assesses technical foul to Coach B.

The thing to remember, tho, is that this case only applies in a situation where the defensive coach commits the unsporting act. If a member of the offensive team commits any type of foul, the ball becomes dead immediately unless the try is already in flight.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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