I attended an away game last night, and I tried to pay special attention to the ref's work (amazing how much more interesting the game is when viewed from this perspective).
I thought they did an excellent job.
One of the first calls was a technical foul for A1 going out of bounds around a defender then coming back in bounds and being the first to touch the ball.
The ref whistled and then calmly explained the situation to the coach. No problem.
I also noticed another official trying to explain his blocking calls on A1 (who was moving on his screens)...I saw him say "you are moving with him." I assume A1 should have been moving his feet faster than B1, or let B1 pass if he couldn't get LGP.
I also saw a couple of double-foul calls...our post and their post were getting really physical, and this seemed to calm that business down. Our post ended up getting three fouls within less than a minute, but from what I saw, they were deserved.
All in all, a good game.