cmathews has asked me to answer two questions:
#1) Whether it is a timer's error, or an official's error? I must ask you this and it is a one word answer from you that I request.
2) According to 5-9-1, did the timer start the clock correctly?
Answer #1: Per rule the Trail did not signal time in correctly and per rule the Timer did not start the game clock correctly.
Answer #2: No.
But is NOT important to say that the Timer did not start the clock correctly nor is it important to say that the Trail did not signal time in.
As I have stated before ad infintum and ad nauseum the two rules references that are key to this play are NFHS R5-S9-A1 and A4.
Section 9: Restarting The Clock
Aricle 1: After time is out, the clock shall be started when the official signals time in. If the official neglects to signal, the timer is authorized to start the as per rule, unless an official specifically signals continued time-out.
Article 4: If play is resumed by a throw-in, the clock shall start be started when the ball touches, or is touched by, a player on the court after it is released by the thrower.
Article 4 is the governing rule. The Trail cannot signal time in nor can the Timer start the game clock before the conditions of Article 4 are met.
Team A completed its throw-in per rule. The clock was not supposed to start until the ball touched or was touched by A3. It does NOT matter what the Trail or Timer did or did not do. The clock cannot start before the ball touched or was touched by A3. All that matters is that the clock started before the conditions of Article 4 were met.
The fact that the clock was started before the conditions of Article 4 were met does not eliminate Team A's throw-in. Since the officials have definite knowledge as to how much time should be on the game clock, the game clock can be corrected and Team A receives the ball for a throw-in nearest the spot where the ball was when the game was stopped to correct the game clock. Too much has been written about whether the Timer made a mistake or the Trail made a mistake. It does NOT matter. The clock was not started correctly per Article 4 and that is all that matters. Correct the clock and finish the game.
Remember the commercial: When E.F. Hutton speaks everybody listens. Well, when the Editor of the Rules Committee speaks everybody should listen.
For all of you naysayers, every argument, rules, and casebook plays I have posted here, I gave to Mary and she agreed with me. I am sure that everybody who has taken part in this thread would agree, that the best way to settle a play situation is to contact the Editor of the Rules Committed directly and ask that person to give an interpretation. That is what I did, and now everybody who had disagreed with me does not want to accept Mary's ruling. Well you cannot have it both ways. Mary spoke and we should now listen. I have also stated that there have been one or two interpretations over the past 34 years with which I have not agreed, but I accepted them and applied them when neccessary.
MTD, Sr.
Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Trumbull Co. (Warren, Ohio) Bkb. Off. Assn.
Wood Co. (Bowling Green, Ohio) Bkb. Off. Assn.
Ohio Assn. of Basketball Officials
International Assn. of Approved Bkb. Officials
Ohio High School Athletic Association
Toledo, Ohio