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Old Fri Dec 17, 2004, 10:11am
Robmoz Robmoz is offline
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Originally posted by cmckenna

Think about Advantage/Disadvantage this way.....

A player is on a fast break full length of the court. One defender between him and the basket at mid court. As he passes that defender he gets slapped but is able to continue on his path and make an easy uncontested layup for 2.

Now, if I officiate as you say, by the book, the slap is a foul. I would have to blow it dead at the point it occured, mid court. Let's assume no bonus yet. So what happens... We have to put the ball in play with a throw in giving the defense time to get setup. In this example, I have penalized the offense by not letting that player complete an easy layup for 2 points.

I'm sorry, but advantage/disadvantage has to be applied in basketball or it would become a really boring game.

You say the players will learn to adjust... by the book contact is a foul, I can't imagine no matter how hard the players would work to adjust could you have a basketball game with no contact.
Boring schmoring??'s not for you to determine the excitement level. Fouls on a breakaway should be called, just because A1 may have been strong enough to continue despite the foul is not the issue. If B1 would have grabbed A1 in an attempt to prevent the score you could even go with "X". You talk about advantage/disadvantage by it sounds like you are misguided on when to apply the doctrine.
"We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done."
Chris Z.
Detroit/SE Michigan
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