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Old Thu Dec 16, 2004, 05:59pm
jebPE jebPE is offline
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Posts: 21

I understand what you are saying.

I guess it boils down to the question of what the official's responsibility is.

In your scenario, I believe the foul for the slap would be the right call.

I don't believe the officials are responsible for making the game interesting...that is the players' responsibility, just as it is the players' responsibility to know the rules.

I also don't believe the old saying of "the refs decided the game" holds any water if the game is called in strict accordance with the rules...the players thusly decide the game by breaking the rules and suffering the consequences.

When you introduce subjective judgment calls (e.g., "no advantage was gained, so no foul was required") into the game, you are flirting with situational ethics, and then the above saying DOES hold water.

The only completely FAIR way to do it, IMO, is to call every breach of the rules that you personally see.

This certainly might not be the most exciting way, but it is the fairest way, but I'd rather see my team lose a fairly called game than win an unfairly called game.

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