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Old Thu Dec 16, 2004, 12:33pm
ChrisSportsFan ChrisSportsFan is offline
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Most Misunderstood Basketball Rules
and 2004 Interpretations For High School Players, Coaches and Officials

Player Control VS Blocking Foul- know whether D had established “initial legal guarding position” (2 feet in bounds facing opponent) (he can then move with O, rise vertically or move back) if yes, call it a Player-Control Foul on the O. If the D had not established LGP, call the foul on D. D may turn or duck to absorb contact if has already established LGP. Generally if contact is on O head/shoulders= Player-Control Foul, if contact is on torso or legs= D blocking foul. PCF= no points & no free-throws (penalty is loss of ball- still mark the foul). No free-throws if foul committed by any O player while they have TEAM CONTROL.

Backboard- sides, top & bottom are all in play. The ball cannot pass over the top or touch bracketing.

Moving Screen- is a foul ONLY if contact occurs. If a Blind Screen is set on a stationary D, must be given 1 NORMAL STEP to avoid contact. If D is moving, is allowed 1-2 steps (based on speed).

Air-Balled Shot- shooter can retrieve an air-ball if Ref considers it a shot. Shot release ends

Hand is Part of the Ball- the D can always legally contact the O hand if the hand is in contact with the ball. However, it is widely accepted that a foul shall be called on a shot.

3 Seconds in Lane Rule- is intended to not allow an O player to gain an advantage. Refs prefer to use verbal “preventatives”(clear/get out). If no advantage is gained, they will not be quick to call this.

Backcourt Violation- 10 seconds (of continuous team control) to obtain frontcourt status (all 3 points =2 feet & the ball). Ball can always be passed directly into backcourt on a throw-in. If O has ball in frontcourt, and ball is deflected into backcourt (once or several times), the O can only legally recover if the D was LAST to touch it in frontcourt. It is legal to retrieve ball in backcourt after a shot.

Goaltending/ Basket Interference- Cannot touch rim or ball if ON or IN rim. Slapping backboard is not goaltending (may be ignored if playing the ball) unless it vibrates the rim (possibly a T and count the basket). “Pinning” the ball on backboard is legal IF STILL on the way up and NOT in the imaginary cylinder. Hanging on the Rim- is only legal if (A) fouled or (B) to avoid injury to himself or another player. Otherwise=Technical Foul.

Sliding on the Floor- is legal if diving to secure a loose ball. Ok to slide until momentum stops. Once ball is secured on floor- cannot roll or attempt to get up unless dribble has been started- can pass, shoot or call timeout.

Free-Throw Rebounding Spots- 6 spots max (2 for O & 4 for D) (nobody in 4th space). Must wait until ball hits rim. D must be in bottom spot and no standing on block,

Throw-In Spot- thrower has 5 seconds to release ball- must have at least 1 foot ON or OVER the designated spot (3’ wide) (may move backwards) CAN MOVE 1 or BOTH FEET- ball must come directly onto the court. There is no imaginary plane for the O thrower, but the D cannot reach over (1X=delay of game, 2X=T). If D contacts the ball= Automatic T (no warning), if foul= intentional.

Coming Back Inbounds- trying to save ball, must come back at about same spot- can be first to touch ball. The “bat” to save ball from going out of bounds, is considered start of dribble. If secured and another dribble is started, will be considered a violation. Inbounds= SOMETHING IN & NOTHING OUT.

Most Misunderstood Basketball Rules continued

Calling Time-Out- The Coach may be granted a timeout request if his player is holding or dribbling the ball, so long as his players have TEAM CONTROL. A player saving the ball (in the air) can be granted a time-out request only if he has DEFINATE CONTROL.

Closely-Guarded- when D is within 6 feet of O (in possession of ball)(& aggressively guarding the ball) for 5 seconds (continuously). Up to 3 separate 5 second counts could occur (hold/dribble/hold). Count continues even if defenders switch!

Ball Stuck Between Rim & Backboard- is not a violation- go with Alternating Possession Arrow unless caused by inbound thrower, then it is a violation.

Traveling- must have control to start dribble and ball must be released before pivot foot moves. On a pass or shot, the pivot foot may be lifted, but may not return to the floor before the ball is released.

Palming (Carrying) the Ball- no height limitation on dribble- it’s a violation if while dribbling, the ball comes to rest or hand goes under ball.

Kicking- violation if an INTENTIONAL ACT. It is also illegal to hit the ball with a fist.

Fumble- it is always legal to recover a fumble or muff (even if dribble was terminated).

Technical Foul- will be assessed for profanity, unsporting acts & excessive complaints or abuse. T is 2 shots and then resume at “point of interruption”. 2T’s=EJECTION.

Disconcerting a Free-Throw Shooter- no opponent or bench personnel shall distract the free thrower.

Uniforms- jerseys and short strings must be tucked in and no player may participate while wearing jewelry or anything that might be deemed to cause an injury.

Elastic Clause- referee can make decisions on anything not specifically covered by the rules!

Flopping- do it and you could hurt your team. By rule, this is a Technical Foul.

To recap:
Coaches- are hired to instruct- not criticize. Players- are chosen to compete and hustle in a “sportsmanlike manner”- not question the Officials calls. Officials- are assigned to make judgment calls and are not required to explain them. Though, they may (& should) if approached in a respectful manner.
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