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Old Thu Dec 16, 2004, 09:17am
MJT MJT is offline
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Originally posted by mcrowder
Teams/Coaches are required to know the rules. We are not there to remind them. Do you remind the coach before a play that it's legal for him to try a forward pass? Do you remind him on 3rd and 25 from his own inchline that it's legal for him to punt? Of course not - it's part of the rules, not part of penalty enforcement. This sitch is exactly the same. Coaches need to know what they are allowed to do, without prompting from us.
Would you agree that it is different if they know the rule to take the FK option, that we tell them after a penalty that the option is still there, or do you say they need to know that as well? I think we tell them in this case as it is part of the penalty enforcement, just as we tell them if a penalty results in a LOD if they are hollering to decline it.
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