Originally posted by cvyluv
OK Have I lost it or what? Last week(I can't remember which NFL game it was) Team A punted the ball and then a player from Team A ran down the field and made contact with the ball but did not down it(the ball was still moving). Then a player from Team B came in and grabbed the ball right in the middle of a buch on players from Team A who were swarming around it ready to down it and the payer from Team B advanced the ball 10 yards. No the weird part is that the commentator said that it was not risky at all for the player from Team B to pick up the ball because no matter what happened the ball could not go back to Team A because they had already touched it. Even if he fumbled it the ball would still belong to Team B. Is this right?? Thanks
It's called first touching. Since K (kicking team) touched the ball first, R (receiving team) can field the ball and run with it without fear of losing the ball, unless they foul after the touching. If R were to fumble and K recover, then R could take the ball at the spot of first touching.