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Old Tue Dec 14, 2004, 05:42pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally posted by ChuckElias

If I were the Lead, I would give my C the first crack. If he doesn't come up with it, then I'm on it. But even in transition, we want the C to handle plays that originate on "his" side of the court. Lead can certainly grab it, but all things being equal, I'd prefer the C to have it.

And if you watch the video again, you'll see that the C does have a whistle on the play, but Burr is so close to it that he's the one who jumps into the fray.
I did a scrimmage earlier this year and had a similar situation call in transition. Now there was no intentional or flagrant foul situation in my game, but we did have a transition play where I was the Lead on the opposite side of the ball. We had a crash with two players and I did not have a great angle and did not make a call. My partner the Center did not have a call either. Our assignor was there and ripped both of us a new one about not calling a foul. I did take the logic that the ball was on his side, but according to my assignor that was not acceptable. I was not in the best angle and I could kind of see the play, I just found myself straight-lined. So I passed on the play thinking my partner was going to pick it up. We both took heat for not calling anything.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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