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Old Sun Dec 12, 2004, 09:08pm
meatyo meatyo is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 2
I am in a Sports officiating class in college...and I had to get the answers to some of these questions, and i cant find them could anyone help me with a few of the answers
1.What are official responsibilities?
2.What is the flowing blood rule?
3.What is the "you can always hide behind the rules" and live and let live" style of officiating?
4.which of those two is the best for a young official to follow?
5.What are personal characteristics of officiating?
6.Why parents jump onto officials?
7.How high school players view officials?
8.How critisms of coaches, players, and media are handled by officials?
9.What to do during a conflict?
10.Are school employed officials responsible for injuries during a contest?
11.Responsibilities during bad weather?
12.The rules on officials getting workman's comp and insurance claims?
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