Originally posted by Camron Rust on 01-25-2000 04:06 PM
I base my statement on the case book 10.3.6 Comment:
"Contact which occurs incidentally in playing the game is allowed, but when slapping or striking is intentional or is so forceful it cannot be ignored, a technical foul must be charged." [Emphasis mine]
The clause I highlighted clearly says that highly forceful contact, without regard to intent, is to be a T. If the contact is such that the board is flopping all around, then it has to be called.
I do agree that the primary purpose of this rule is to address intentional contact but just as the intentional foul rule has an extra clause that allows it to be call in the absence of intent, so does this rule.
[This message has been edited by Camron Rust (edited January 25, 2000).]
Camron - it's my perogative whether to ignore it or not. If I felt it was a legitimate shot block attempt, no call. You cannot penalize a player for trying to be strong in blocking a shot or for junky equipment.
Is the defender supposed to say to himself, "I guess I won't use a lot of force to try to block this shot even if I get nothing but ball (which would, of course, be perfectly legal), because my arm might accidentally hit the backboard which might vibrate with a force that cannot be ignored because I know this school has a small budget and they probably don't have enought money to reinforce the backboard supports properly and there is an official here tonight who might interpret the rule that way"?
I think not, my friend

If it's a legitimate block attempt, it's a no call in my book because I will choose to ignore the resultant vibration (which, as I read the rule, is my choice).