Thu Dec 09, 2004, 11:33pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Alton, Iowa
Posts: 1,796
Originally posted by Theisey
Originally posted by MJT
[... Do you have any proof, not that I do?
I just told you that it used to be in the rule book.
In 2001, fundmental V.26 explicitly stated "Free-kick lines are always 10 yards apart, but not extended into the end zone".
Those bold words were added to the fundmental in 2001. They were not even documented in the front matter as a change.
In 2002, in the major editorial change section, the fundmentals were renumbered and V.2 ( the old V.26) was changed to read, "Free-kick lines are always 10 yards apart". Just as it did in 2000 and prior years.
My notes for 2001 say that this changed was never supposed to have been made. It was always 10 yards apart. No exceptions even if inside the B-10 yardline.
We don't need a case book playfor every rule. If we did the case book would be 10x the size it already is.
That's what I was wondering. Thanks!