The reply to the coach, if any explanation is necessary is, "If you really want that contact called, we'll be shooting fouls all night at both ends of the court." If he insists that's waht he wants, you call the other coach over and say, "It appears that both of you feel we need to call the game tighter. So we will, but it's gonna be a long evening." And then proceed to call absolutely everything until they beg for mercy. You can't use this in JV or varsity. But you won't need to. 7th or 8th grade is a great place for it.
If you feel this procedure isn't appropriate, try, "Coach, your girls are doing an excellent job of playing through that type of thing. If we call it we're going to be taking away some of your shots. Is that what you want?" You can't get away with this to the losing team in a 40 point gaem, but in that sitch maybe you should be calling more!