Thread: Patient Whistle
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Old Thu Dec 09, 2004, 03:06pm
FrankHtown FrankHtown is offline
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I'd like a more patient whistle, but doing mostly sub-varsity games, it seems the coaches at that level want everything called. Their claim is "How can I teach them what is a foul if you don't call it." A player gets barely brushed on a drive to the basket, and right away the chorus of "AND ONE" starts.

I refereed soccer and they let play go if no advantage is gained, and they even have a signal for it (an upsweep of the arms), but how do you communicate to coaches "yes, I saw it...I didn't consider the contact harmful to your team or player, and I let play continue."

Playing advantage/disadvantage, in my opinion, elevates the game, keeps it flowing, and as long as the players and coaches understand, makes it a fun game. But how do you do that without coaches and players thinking "Good gosh, this guy misses everything."

I'd like some opinions, please
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