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Old Wed Dec 08, 2004, 03:14pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by blindzebra
Originally posted by Nevadaref
Originally posted by blindzebra

If it does not hit anything and they catch it in the air it's a walk.
Actually it is an illegal dribble if the player's pivot foot moved. See 4.15.4 sit E. A player cannot travel without holding the ball.
That ruling based on 9-5 makes no sense. 9-5 talks about dribbling a SECOND time, the 2001-2 case book has it under 9-4 which makes A LOT more sense.

In that case play and catching this missed "shot" airball, you have not yet dribbled, it will BECOME a dribble when it hits the floor or backboard, so how can you dribble a second time when you have yet to dribble a first?

So they either need to add self pass, yet to strike the floor under 9-5, or put it where it more closely fits, under 9-4 and lifting your pivot foot prior to dribbling.
It's not a violation of 9-5 because it's not a "second dribble"

It's not a violation of 9-4 because the player wasn't holding the ball (a requirement to travel under 4-43)

Ergo, a "self pass" is a legal play (assuming the player hasn't dribbled, and "passes" the ball before lifting the pivot foot).

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