Tue Dec 07, 2004, 09:02pm
Fav theme: Roundball Rock
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Near Dog River (sorta)
Posts: 8,558
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Jump ball in a freaking JV game many years ago. Training a new guy that I brought in from our football officials- a guy that I thought was a friend. Wore glasses at that time- this was before the days of contacts. Throw up the opening jump and- jumper #1 gets me with an elbow right on the glasses, breaks the eyepiece and shoves the broken part into my eyebrow-- which spins me into jumper #2 who now gets me with an elbow right in the nose- which now sends me to the deck. I'm lying on the floor with blood pouring out of my nose and from above my eye, both teams are heading down court to play, and whereinthehell is my partner? He's sitting on the damn floor, pointing at me and laughing his head off hysterically. He was laughing so hard that he couldn't blow his whistle. Bottom line? I find my whistle and blow it....partner is still laughing and pointing at me.....head into the dressing room to get a bandage above my eye and some cotton batton in my nose...put on my spare glasses and do 32 minutes. After the game, I went to the hospital where the final tally was a nose broken in 2 places and 6 stitches above the eye. Grrrrrr......
Ya know I'm just dying to know who....... but lah me (whatever that means, LOL) don't tell me; I don't really want to know.
Pope Francis