Originally posted by BushRef
Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by refaholic
The bottom line is that the girls and parents who filed suit wanted the same opportunites and privileges that boys had.
Are the parents in MI going to file a lawsuit because now the best officials are working the boys games and not the girls. I live in IN and this is an on going issue in Indiana. Why don't we see the same caliber of officiating in girls that we do in the boys.?
Why is it making a mockery of basketball to insist on girls having the same opportunities and privileges as boys? What makes a mockery of sport in general is pretending to give girls equality, but really not making things equal. Why shouldn't girls get the same caliber of officiating as boys? If they don't get it, why shouldn't they sue? That's what Title IX is for! to give legal footing for girls to insist on treatment equal to boys. Why is that a problem?
I'll tell you what else makes a mockery of sports, is girls thinking they can play on the same level as the boys. It just isn't true in some sports.
Mockery? I think that's a little strong. Maybe it would be more accurate to say that you don't personally like girls. That's your choice, of course, but not the best possible basis for an athletics program at a public high school.