I do not completely agree an umpire should NEVER touch a coach. Umpires and managers all have different personalities. What works in some situations flops in others.
I completely agree physical contact is only appropriate where the umpire and manager have a long and good relationship. The ump has got to think the friendly arm around the shoulder is going to redirect and refocus the coach. I cannot see myself doing it, but if well done, I would not criticize.
I vaguely remember a situation in a University of Texas game. Tommy Harmon (ass't coach) started an argument with U1. Cliff Gustafson came out to continue the discussion. [Remember despite being the “winningest” coach ever, Gus was NEVER ejected.] Jon Bible [not U1, but I don't remember where he was.] Anyway, Jon put a gentle arm around Harmon and talked quietly while Gus and U1 finished their discussion. I think Jon did a good job of keeping Harmon in the game, but I doubt he would have done it had he not called over a hundred games with Harmon.
[P.S. Excuse the long post as my first on this board. Thanks, Carl, for the invitation.]
Take care,