Runner R3 on 2B, batter has 1-ball, 1-strike, count, with two outs. The plate umpire calls the next pitch a strike, pumping the third strike. The runner R3 steps off the base and is tagged out by a defensive player. Is R3 out?
Bases loaded. 1 out. Umpire signals home run & tells the teams "ball game" after the RBI from third scores. The runners stop running, and the defense appeals for a force out to negate the winning run. Does the run score?
Speaking ASA, in both cases, ASA 10-6-C gives the umpire the choice of rectifying the situation if he thinks that the umpire's call placed the runners in jeopardy.
The correct action on the part of the umpire, IMO, would be to rectify the situation caused by his call of "BALL GAME."
True, he should not have said that, but he did, and it placed the offense in jeopardy.