While some officials feel the charge/block call is the most difficult thing about refereeing, I feel it is trying to judge intent. Without a doubt, this is the most subjective reasoning we have to deal with.
About two years ago, I called a flagrant foul in the following situation in an adult league game. A1 had been playing "rough" all night. He already had 4 fouls, all for hard contact, and we were only in the middle of the 2nd quarter (and no - I don't know why he was still in the game). He got a rebound, looked down court then looked at B1 who was standing next to him. He then threw a two-hand long pass to no one and continued his elbow around to clock B1 in the nose. Blood was drawn. There was no doubt in my mind that he intentionally tried to injure B1. He claimed he was just passing the ball and B1 unfortunately was in the way. I tossed him, he picked up his chair and threw it and he was suspended for the rest of the season. And - this was a church league.
Usually I give the player the benefit of the doubt on intent, but not this time.