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Old Tue Apr 24, 2001, 02:34pm
AK ref SE AK ref SE is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 385
We as officials have to assume we know the intent of what the player was thinking when he threw the ball OOB at the player laying on the floor.
To determine if it was a flagrant act or not, we have to decide in a blink of an eye. How had the game been played to that point, has it been clean? or have the two players been battling all game? What was the players reaction when he threw the ball? Was he staring at the person OOB? Was he taking aim? WE have to decide this in a splint second? I once asked "how do I know if it is a flagrant foul or not?" If you have to think about probable isn't.
So I would use the same reasoning in this situation. If I have to think about whether it was a smart play or a blatant act? My humble opinion!

AK ref SE
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