Originally posted by SamIAm
ranjo, Did you think she was shooting the ball before it went straight up?
Why did the other referee feel the need to inform you of her motion? Was he not sure? And one more question, was this motion coincidental to lane violations?
(I am with you DJ and Robo. Sounds like a fake attempt to me.)
[Edited by SamIAm on Dec 3rd, 2004 at 02:15 PM]
The other referee had seen the motion in a pre-season scrimmage and informed the player and coach the motion "could possibly" be considered a faked try by an official.
I was taken a little off guard, but have learned over the years to bite the Fox and not blow anything I can't explain.
Since she didn't do it on the second free throw, I would say it wasn't part of her normal routine.