Originally posted by MJT
Had a debate with my partner 2nt working a HS JV game. Here is the play. Player drives baseline and is about even with the glass. He is fouled as he starts to go up and the foul knocks him a little more behind the glass. I think to myself as I call the foul that he is going up to shoot, but after the whistle he decides he cannot get the shot off anymore so he looks and passes the ball towards a teammate at the elbow. He does all that while in the air. The ball was not knocked out of his hands, he definately passed it towards the elbow. I had the ball OOB's and at our 1/2 time we discussed it. I looked up the definition for shooting 4-40-1 and 4-40-2 and think I was correct.
My partner is convinced that since it looked like he was going to shoot when the foul occured, then he gets 2 FT's even if he decides to pass. Now if he never got the shot off at all, or if he tried, or kind of shot it towards the goal, then 2 FT's for sure. Need some opinions on this one.
Had this one last year soph prelim game...varsity officials watching..after game in locker room we asked V officials if they had any comments...only comment was related to this play..they asked why 2-shots...I said if not for the foul player would have shot...V comment was b4 deciding 2FT or OOB let play finish...if A1 passes off, then OOB...if A1 looks like trying shot attempt and foul stops A1 and he/she doesn't get shot off then 2FT..V officials said easier to justify 2FT if he doesn't actually get shot off because of foul than if he gets pass off...I guess I can understand this, and I am a little more patient on waiting out end of play B4 awarding 2FTs
Second question. I know this is a technicality, but I want to know how it works. If a player comes over to me as I am the trail official when his teammate is shooting the 1st of two FT's and says "if he makes the 2nd one, we want a TO" does he have to tell me after the 2nd make, or is his asking before the 2nd is ever attempted an allowable request. Like I said, I know it is technicality, I was going to give it to him, of course he missed, but I didn't know if by rule it was correct to do so. Can't really find it in the book.
I nod to player okay, then after FT, look at player and make sure he still wants TO, so player needs to signal or ask a second time, then I recognize TO request and grant it.