Thread: Make it up?
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Old Tue Nov 30, 2004, 04:57pm
Bob Lyle Bob Lyle is offline
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Posts: 180
An absurd statement !

Originally posted by JRutledge
Who cares what a coach thinks? If that was the case, no officials I know would ever work the playoffs it coaches held that kind of power.

For months we have had complaints about the enourmous power some coaches have over playoff assignments. You ask who cares what a coach thinks? From the writings on this forum, it seems that a lot of officials care what a coach thinks.

Your second statement is more absurd than the first. No matter how much or how little power coaches have over playoff games, someone will work them. I'd bet that the same number of officials will work the playoff games whether the coaches select the officials or the assignor selects the officials. It may be different officials but the games will be played and they will have officials. Literally, your statement says that you don't know any officials that the coaches would select for the playoff games.

If all you work is Pop Warner football, that would be true. If your football group is so bad that it never gets selected for post season assignments, then it would also be true. That says more about you and your abilities than the power of coaches to select playoff officials.

In my original post, I only made the obervation that if coaches have input into the post season assignments, it doesn't help your chances if you're labeled a liar. Making up numbers is not a way to establish integrity.

Snakeeyes says that the coaches will get over it. You might be surprised what the coaches remember. I know that integrity is a difficult concept for you to master so your head may hurt for a while.
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