Believe me I am not trying to start a argument but to better understand you all have far superior knowledge than mine
But 8-8-Q clearly talks about a defensive player in the act of ABOUT TO RECIEVE a ball in flight and it states under the effect that the runner should be called out for interference and ejected if the act is flagarant.
Also POE 13 states same information on crashing into a fielder while standing up and the fielder is about to receive a thrown ball. It adds the runner can slide,jump over the top of the fielder, go around or go back if not then the runner is out for interference
I am not trying to say it all right for a defender to block a base or home but the fielder does have the right to make the play without getting run over with or without the ball if the ball is in FLIGHT
Would it make any difference of the fielder was 1/4 of the way down the line instead of directly in front of home plate waiting to receive the ball in flight??
Please help me clarify this all replies apprecitated
[Edited by oppool on Apr 20th, 2001 at 03:32 PM]