Thread: Missed Base
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Old Wed Apr 18, 2001, 08:42pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
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I had a good one today.

Federation game.

I was the PU. A runner on first and third I believe. Ball hit to the gap between CF and RF, CF makes a diving catch. I run to the 3rd base side and try to get an angle on the catch and the tag up. Well it was really unclear from where I was standing that there was a catch. The BU has this all the way because that is what we discussed in pregame. Well because of the nature of the catch, the BU takes his time to make a catch/no catch call. He ruled a catch, while I clearly see the runner on third had not left yet. As a matter of fact, he even waited on the "catch" call from the umpire before he moved. The CF throws the ball in, and before they can even make a live ball appeal (the ball was never dead at that point) the defensive team's coach starts yelling from the dugout.

"How did you not see that?!!!! You have got to call that
Blue." Then the defensive team finally touches the base for a live ball appeal, and I rule safe. Then his stupid behind starts again talking about "how did you not see that?" I finally ask after the coaches stops, "what are you talking about?"

Basically the coach is so incompetent in the rules, he thought I should be ruling the runner out before we even had a dead ball. For those that are not familiar, in Federation baseball, it is the umpires job if the runner leaves early or misses a base, once the ball is dead to rule a runner out. I think Fed is the only one that has that rule.

I just thought that was a funny story that I wanted to share. I love my job, I love people.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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