According to this report, Ron Artest, Steven Jackson and Jermaine O'neal will all be suspended for 30 games. While Ben Wallace will only be suspended for 5 games, what a joke!
I am not saying that Ben Wallace is the real problem here, because he is not. He may have given the shove to Ron Artest which may have began this brawl, but let's place the blame where it really should go. As long as some people don't know how to drink responsibly this thing will happen again. I sure don't know how much a cup of beer goes for know at arena's but I am sure they are exspensive. I doubt if I would be throwing my brew at some guy after paying alot of money for it. Alcohol will never be mentioned as the the main reason behind this fiasco, but it played a major role. When will america wake up and see that "ALCOHOL" is a drug!
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