Originally posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
I will probably take a lot of flack for what I am about to write, but I would not have let the players play because it is a safety hazard. If game administration told me that I had to let them play I would have walked away from the game. My first responsibility is to the safety of all of the players.
I think that we have taken political correctness to illogical extremes.
The following comments represent my opinion and my opinion only. I disagree with Mark's position, but I understand where he's coming from. That having been said...
Basketball (and pretty much any other sport) is inherently dangerous, at least to a certain extent. The idea that you would walk away from this situation, which is directly permitted by rule, seems hypocritical. You don't walk away from a game (I'd guess) because a player may be hurt by contact, or a might slip on the floor and twist an ankle, or might break a finger by catching it on the sleeve of another player's shirt. The last example is particularly apt to this discussion, I think, because it deals with a situation where part of the legal uniform has the potential to cause injury. (If the player has state permission to wear the headscarf, the by rule it's part of the uniform.)