Originally posted by OverAndBack
I did some bits of a scrimmage last week and felt like I had almost forgotten everything I had learned about officiating basketball last season.
Some things that confused me:
1 - Player bringing the ball up, dribbles off the hip and continues to dribble. Is that just an interrupted dribble (no whistle) or a double dribble (whistle)?
2 - If I'm the non-administering official on a free throw, what all am I doing? Can someone run through the sequence of mechanics on that? What arm is going up when and what about when it's a bonus situation? I'm a bit unclear on that or have forgotten.
Sorry to sound like a noob. I've just seriously forgotten mechanics since February.
I guess you're doing 2 man.
What I do as trail in 2 man:
First shot: hold up 1, 2, or 3, or 1 & 1 for the table. When the shooter gets the ball start a slight count with the hand that is away from the table. No arm swinging, just a wrist flick. On the shot that will make the ball live I take a couple of steps down towards the endline while raising my arm that is facing the table. Don't raise your arm or move until the ball is shot. Stop before the ball hits the rim to refereee the rebound. If there's a rebound chop the clock when a player contacts the ball. If the ball goes in lower my arm and wait to see what happens on the throw in.
Oh yeah, you also have to watch the table for subs.