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Old Thu Nov 18, 2004, 08:07pm
OverAndBack OverAndBack is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Glendale, AZ
Posts: 1,023
I did some bits of a scrimmage last week and felt like I had almost forgotten everything I had learned about officiating basketball last season.

Some things that confused me:

1 - Player bringing the ball up, dribbles off the hip and continues to dribble. Is that just an interrupted dribble (no whistle) or a double dribble (whistle)?

2 - If I'm the non-administering official on a free throw, what all am I doing? Can someone run through the sequence of mechanics on that? What arm is going up when and what about when it's a bonus situation? I'm a bit unclear on that or have forgotten.

Sorry to sound like a noob. I've just seriously forgotten mechanics since February.
"And I'm not just some fan, I've refereed football and basketball in addition to all the baseball I've umpired. I've never made a call that horrible in my life in any sport."---Greatest. Official. Ever.
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