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Old Thu Nov 18, 2004, 05:13pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally posted by WindyCityBlue
Are you telling me that we should have known that you meant that this doesn’t include baseball? “pro levels of any league” sounds like you were including it to me. Stop trying to spin and twist your lies, it is getting ridiculous!
Well, my comments were on the Basketball board. I would assume that anyone I was talking to would refer mostly to basketball or even football since those were the only two sports that I referenced or was talking about. I guess you could assume baseball if you wanted to. You have that right and can do so. But most people did not seem to take issue with my comments except for you. You are the only person that took these comments and tried to put into a context of baseball. I think it would be a leap if someone used Soccer or hockey as an example based on the conversation we were having on the basketball board. There are more pro leagues than the NFL or NBA in those respective sports. There is Arena Football and World League Football and Canadian Football League. On the basketball side there is WNBA, NBDL, ABA and CBA just to name a few. So if you want to take the comments and put them into a sport I did not reference or care to talk about, that is your prerogative. Now if I referenced Major League Baseball, then it would have made since. But you did not hear me make one reference to any umpire in MLB or the minors, so I would not suspect anyone would be thinking of those sports. But then again, baseball is your life. It is not the life of everyone on that board and many people realize what goes on in the Majors (arguments, umpire conduct, conflict resolution) never takes place in the other sports that I am familiar with.

As stated before, you do not work any other sport outside of baseball and you never have. So I could see why you would be confused. I am still waiting for an example based on the sports I used that I am incorrect?

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)