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Old Thu Nov 18, 2004, 02:18pm
tomegun tomegun is offline
Huck Finn
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Las Vegas
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Originally posted by ChuckElias
If his momentum took him OOB, then he's still allowed to come back and retrieve the ball.
Chuck, where did you get this from? I'm not disagreeing with you because I thought this was correct also. However, I was told different after my game on Saturday when I didn't call it. A player made a good steal and his momentum took him out of bounds. He hustled right back in and shot a layup. The observer was also the supervisor for this game. He also happens to be a ref, a ref that has been to the final four the last two years. So, I didn't argue at all. Maybe I thought this because at the NCAA clinic, in the rule book and other places the only thing I heard discussed in relation to this rule was concerning the double screen and the player going out of bounds to use the screen. Just curious to know if you have seen this in print from the NCAA.

As far as the comments to the coach, I don't think it should be encouraged. It seemed to work out in this situation but what about the coach that really turns it on after this is said. His/her main basis for continued banter could be "you started it." It could be tough to give a T after this. Also, we should think about in a tough game, with an evaluator within earshot would you say the same thing to a coach. Or, at a camp where you are trying to get hired would you say it. That might be extreme but habits and ways to deal with coaches are learned at every level and every game.
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