Wed Nov 17, 2004, 05:10pm
certified Hot Mom tester
Join Date: Aug 1999
Location: only in my own mind, such as it is
Posts: 12,918
Originally posted by BktBallRef
Last night, private school game, heard the visiting coach a couple of times:
"That's a foul, ref!"
"That's a foul, ref!"
After the third time he said it, we had a little break in the action. I replied, "Coach, you really need to get out of this man to man and go zone, 1-3-1. And I'd run #3 off a baseline screen to get her open." He said, "What?" I replied,"Well, you're helping me officiate. I thought I'd help you coach."
That was the last I heard from him.
Davism for this situation: "Coach, let's trade places. You come out here on the floor and ref, and I'll sit on the bench and act like a jackass."
Yom HaShoah