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Old Sun Nov 14, 2004, 05:19pm
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally posted by mdray
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by mdray
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Rule 10-7. Penalized when discovered.

but I don't see any reference to a timeframe for penalizing this ...while some of the other team technicals referenced in 10-1 *do* indicate a penalty "when they occur" or "when discovered"

There is no timeframe. It's penalized when it's discovered-i.e. anytime from occurrence to game over.

Top of p61 in this years NFHS rule book- "PENALTY: (Art. 7) Penalized when discovered".

What am I missing here?
I'm the one missing something -- this year's rulebook! We don't get our rulebooks until this Friday nite's first board meeting. Glad to hear they've addressed it in this year's NFHS book. [/B]
Good catch.

It wasn't in last year's book. And when they did put it in this year's book, they never told anybody about it either. It's not listed in the front of the book as being a 2004-05 rule change or editorial change, and there wasn't a specific case play either detailing the time frame.
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