Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by mdray
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Rule 10-7. Penalized when discovered.
but I don't see any reference to a timeframe for penalizing this ...while some of the other team technicals referenced in 10-1 *do* indicate a penalty "when they occur" or "when discovered"
There is no timeframe. It's penalized when it's discovered-i.e. anytime from occurrence to game over.
Top of p61 in this years NFHS rule book- "PENALTY: (Art. 7) Penalized when discovered".
What am I missing here? [/B]
I'm the one missing something -- this year's rulebook! We don't get our rulebooks until this Friday nite's first board meeting. Glad to hear they've addressed it in this year's NFHS book.